In a groundbreaking development, the Noida International Airport (NIA) and IndiGo, the largest domestic airline in the country, have officially inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)....
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In a groundbreaking development, the Noida International Airport (NIA) and IndiGo, the largest domestic airline in the country, have officially inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)....
Deputy Chief Minister Nicole Manison from Australia’s Northern Territory recently concluded a week-long visit to India aimed at strengthening business ties between the region and India....
Introduction: Noida International Airport is gearing up for operation, set to accommodate over 12 million passengers initially and expand to 70 million later. Uttar Pradesh Chief...
From Undiscovered and hidden islands to breathtaking Mountains, bucket list these top 10 travel destinations for your next trip. 1. Maldives After the unwavering COVID-19 pandemic,...