Former Indian Cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has made headlines again, this time for his investment in the Bengaluru-based fitness startup Tagda Raho. While the investment amount remains undisclosed, Tagda Raho is gearing up to launch its first training facility, or “dugout,” in Maharashtra in December, with plans to extend to four to five more states in the coming year.
Founded by Rishabh Malhotra, Tagda Raho aims to reintroduce traditional Indian strength training to India and the world. The startup’s products include Indian clubs like Gada, Mudgars, Vajra, and Sumtola, accompanied by a specially designed training regimen. Operating training dugouts in Bengaluru, Tagda Raho’s equipment and programs have been utilized by professional teams and institutions, including the Lucknow Super Giants, Haryana Steelers, and the National Cricket Academy, claiming to have patented its modular equipment.
Rishabh Malhotra, the founder of Tagda Raho, expressed that MS Dhoni’s commitment to fitness and support for homegrown brands aligns perfectly with their mission to empower individuals for healthier lives. With this funding, the fitness startup aims to expand its training facilities nationwide and venture into international markets, emphasizing the global potential of Indian fitness practices.
Tagda Raho presents itself as the world’s first fitness program blending traditional Indian equipment with modern training applications. Dhoni, endorsing the startup, praised its innovation in adapting both equipment and movements in a modern avatar. He believes in supporting startups and homegrown brands from grassroots levels, expressing excitement to be part of Tagda Raho’s vision in expanding its workout offerings nationwide.
According to Statista, the exercise equipment market in India reached $4.15 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow annually by 8.29% between 2023-2028. Dhoni’s investment comes at a time when there is a growing emphasis on health and fitness, reflecting the potential for Tagda Raho’s unique approach to make a significant impact in the market.