“The Last Faith,” a 2D action-adventure, may not introduce groundbreaking elements, but its execution of familiar mechanics is commendable. Drawing inspiration from Castlevania, Dark Souls, and...
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“The Last Faith,” a 2D action-adventure, may not introduce groundbreaking elements, but its execution of familiar mechanics is commendable. Drawing inspiration from Castlevania, Dark Souls, and...
Almost a year after Europe banned most oil shipments from Russia, the region is witnessing a significant surge in diesel imports from India, a major buyer...
Former Indian Cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni has made headlines again, this time for his investment in the Bengaluru-based fitness startup Tagda Raho. While the...
Gautam Hari Singhania, the Chairman and Managing Director of Raymond Ltd, has reassured employees and board members about the uninterrupted operation of the company amid a...